


Conventa will host the fifth meeting of Slovenian event organisers on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 between 16:00 and 19:00. The event, dubbed CONVENTA 42°NORTH, will feature speakers who dare to break boundaries. The event will take place in the Grand Hotel Union Eurostars.

At classic events, the line between speakers and attendees is clear. Our society has invented a slew of digital and analogue borders through which we see events. This time, we invited speakers who cross those borders. 

The central topic of the event, 42°NORTH, pertains to climate change that has been heavily influencing regions south of the 42nd north parallel. These regions face increasing and more intense heat waves, droughts, floods and extreme weather occurrences. Will these circumstances force events to move north? How can event organising push boundaries in creativity, innovation and regeneration? How can we contribute to a better and more inclusive society? 

Photo: Marko Delbello Ocepek

Event organisers are the brightest examples of pushing boundaries, showing that our society is not motivated only by economic, political, scientific, or other motives. Many of us are motivated by the desire to advance society and individuals, which we wish to reflect in our events. 

In Ljubljana, we will host colleagues who pushed boundaries at the Olympic Games in Paris, individuals who open and close World Championships, and employees of the largest global corporations. 

Preliminary programme of the event:

16:00–16:30  Care-free registration
with an introductory ice-breaker 
16:30–17:00  Josh STINTON, Head of Engagement, Fieldwork
Why not?  
17:00–17:15 Ideas that change your events 
First segment of sustainable pitches in Pecha Kucha format
17:15–17:45 Stéphanie ANDRE, Head of Sustainability at Olympic Games 2024 
Paris 2024: Sustainability – Accessibility – Inclusion 
17:45–18:00 Short break 
18:00–18:15 Ideas that change your events 
Second segment of sustainable pitches in Pecha Kucha format 
18:15–18:45 Adriano MARTELLA, Creative Director, Filmmaster
Balance between creativity, artificial intelligence and sustainability  
19:00–21:00 Official welcome reception of Conventa 
Welcome reception of Conventa 2025 trade show 

CONVENTA 42°NORTH will be the prelude to Conventa 2025! 

We invite you to join us at Conventa as a hosted buyer. You will meet providers of various meeting venues and agencies who specialise in event organising, team building and incentive events. To boot, you will find new ideas for successful events. Conventa will take place on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 and Thursday, 20 February 2025 between 10:00 and 16:00 at GR in Ljubljana.

You can find more information and the programme of the trade show on the website