
PORTUGAL – Salão das Viagens de Negócio unveils the trends of the next ten years

PORTUGAL – Salão das Viagens de Negócio unveils the trends of the next ten years

On February 22nd the Tivoli Theater in Lisbon will host SVN 2017, a networking event in the areas of business, corporate travel and meetings. This year’s edition, sponsored by Travelstore and American Express Global Business Travel, launches a challenge for all participants to anticipate the trends of the next ten years.


Dedicated to the theme “2027 – The next ten years“, the Salão das Viagens de Negócio will feature a Business Travel panel: “The Future of Business Travel and the Business Traveler of the Future“, with Holger Luikenga (Head of Global Travel Partner Network of American Express), Marcel Forns (General Manager GEBTA), Guy Mercier (Head of Services, Strategy & Delivery Operations Solvay) and, as moderator, Frédéric Frère (CEO of Travelstore Amex GBT).

In the Events panel, people will have the chance to attend “The Events of the Future, Trends to Expect from Industry“, which will see the participation of Carla Andrezo (Business Unit Leader Emotion Store), Jorge Vinha da Silva (Managing Director / Board Member Meo Arena) and, as moderator, Rui Ochôa ( Director of Event Point, Media Partner of the event).

During the event, the Business Travel Barometer will also be presented. José Oliveira (Client Solutions Travel Management of Travelstore American Express GBT) will talk about “The Future of Travel Management in Portugal” and Luis Rasquilha (CEO of Inova Consulting) will make a dedicated presentation on the theme “Journey to the Future. Trends and the Future of Business“. The event will also feature an intervention by journalist and comedian Ricardo Araújo Pereira, the ceremony of the Business Travel Awards and the special Career Excellence Award.

Participants will be able to leave their message for 2027 in a time capsule especially created for the occasion.
