
PORTUGAL – Everything’s ready for the International & European Associations Congress

PORTUGAL – Everything’s ready for the International & European Associations Congress

The International & European Associations Congress, now the 9th in the series, has become one of the most important gatherings for European and International associations, including professional organisations, Individual member organisations, regional and International federations, learned and other societies, institutes, trade bodies, forums and networks, user groups, association management companies and professional conference organisers. This year, it will take place in Estoril from 21-23 April.

With over 400 attendees from organisations of all sizes and from over 22 countries, the International and European Associations Congress is where the world’s associations meet.

All the participants will have the opportunity to network with their peers and debate the key issues faced by association professionals. The multi-streamed agenda tackles a broad range of association management issues.

During the days of the congress, there’ll be meetings where the speakers will focus on topics such as: Developing a Commercial Event Strategy, Improving the Congress RFP and Bidding Process, Working Cross-Culturally, Successful Member Acquisition and Retention for Individual Member Associations and Successful Member Engagement and Retention for Federations and Trade Associations.

On the first two days, a special appointment will be represented by the 5th Association CEO Summit for Executive Heads of Associations.

Registrations are open on this page.