
Networking in a structured way: Star-Talk & Lunch and Pick a Brain
This year Bea World offers excellent networking opportunities and thanks to the easy to use online seating & matchmaking solution NetworkTables will let delegates pre-book 1-on-1 meetings with experts and reserve a seat at lunch tables to meet right people.
Arranging meetings in advance always takes precious time during the weeks before the event. Another big challenge is then to find these people at large events like Bea World Festival – Where Creativity Meets Business. The Festival is indeed the essential meeting place for the international event community: the three inspiring days full of creativity, knowledge transfer and of course networking opportunities.The Star-Talk & Lunch and Pick a Brain are two good examples. Through the NetworkTables software, Bea World will offer the chance to meet like-minded people, enjoy topic-led luncheons and have 15-minutes meeting with experts and speakers!
Star Talk & Lunch
Before the event, delegates receive an automatic email with a “magic link” from NetworkTables that enables to choose a seat at one of the twenty topic-led tables. By logging in, delegates can check and select table hosts,topics and the people already seated.
Pick a Brain
Pick-a-brains are 15-minute meetings that allow you to discuss a specific challenge with one or maximum four experts. The NetworkTables algorithm will generate for you a personalized time-schedule to meet speakers and/or jury members during 1-on-1s.
Delegates will then receive a personalized time schedule with their Star-Talk & Lunch and Pick a Brain sessions that can be added to their personal calendar!
If you want to learn more about the awards winning tool NetworkTables, schedule an appointment at their stand Hall of Fame (floor 1) via this link.