
ITALY – Sinergie’s “Nourishing Health” event for AMC Italia

ITALY – Sinergie’s “Nourishing Health” event for AMC Italia

A visit to the halls of Expo 2015, a themed party, an award ceremony and much more: every aspect of the AMC Italia convention was supervised by the Milanese agency.

sinergieThe two-day event for AMC Italia, world leader in high-quality cooking stainless steel equipment guaranteeing healthy, tasty food, began with an exciting visit to the halls of EXPO 2015.

Over 300 people, comprising company management and consultants, had the chance to visit the halls, benefiting from preferential admission notwithstanding the very crowded days. They savoured the spirit of EXPO, which has a great deal in common with AMC’s own mission.

At the end of the day, there was a crazy surprise… a 1970s-style Crazy Night at Lime in Milan. Wigs, platform heels, fluorescent clothing and giant sunglasses made their appearance on stage before dinner, and the evening continued with a live concert by Joe Di Brutto with themed entertainment. There was a “1970s style Foody backdrop,” which provided an amusing setting for an infinity of photo opportunities.

All the guests, subdivided according to area of reference, created their ideal personality by devising costumes on the theme of the evening. At the end of the craziest night ever seen in the world of cooking equipment, there was a prize-giving for the best performances and the most original creations.

The second day had a more institutional style and tone, even though presented in a relaxed manner appropriate to the celebratory atmosphere. On the stage of the Sole 24 Ore Convention Center in Milan, the best AMC recruiters were awarded prizes personally by General Manager Joerg Samulowitz and Marketing and Sales Development Manager Kiki Stojanovic. Proceedings were cadenced by Claudio Batta, master of ceremonies, who added some elements of comedy, in agreement with the company, while maintaining the pure Zelig stand-up comedy style.

During the coffee break, a commitment launched during the general assembly became a written pledge: every participant was asked to write down his or her dream to be hung on the “AMC Tree of Life – let’s nourish dreams”, a backdrop to be filled with colours, ambitions and objectives to be attained.

A theme buffet presenting specialities from every continent, perfectly attuned to the EXPO 2015 theme, brought proceedings to an end.

Sinergie supervised all aspects of the convention: concept creation and execution, with special attention to scenic elements and visual design. The disco party was a moment that for AMC will remain unforgettable for the enthusiasm it generated; at the same time, the agency encouraged the company to display its commitment to less fortunate people by cooperating in the project Food for Good and the collection of solidarity meals at the end of the event.
