
ITALY – K-events for Chevrolet Italia

For the design and realization of the two-day convention held in Milan on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 February 2011, Chevrolet Italia chose K-events, a company that is part of the Filmmaster Group and that specializes in creating and producing events.


An important event for the company, dedicated to the Chevrolet dealer network, and on the second day also on the sales force, during which new products were presented. First Orlando, the new 7-seater MPV, was presented and then Captiva, the second generation of Chevrolet SUVs. Finally the strategies with which Chevrolet intends to strengthen its position in the Italian market were revealed.

On Saturday the top managers explained and demonstrated the quality and potential of the two new cars, Orlando and Captive, while on Sunday there was a training session divided into three sections: competition, product design and sales processes. The two days ended with a drive away.


K-events carried out the project of the Chevrolet convention, from the video contents to the graphics of the event, also dealing with all the logistical and organizational necessities. K-events thus gave life to a hi-tech set-up and to video and speech support contents ‘representated’ on-screen in a spectacular way, which together with the set-up, inspired the historical Chevrolet logo.

The K-events team  that worked on the project was made up of : Alfredo Accatino, Creative Director, Silvia Badiali and Flavia Muratori, Project Managers, Stuart Franzoni Art Director and Daniele Lo Faro Creative Coordinator.