
ITALY – Gruppo 24 Ore presents ‘Lights and Shadows’ by Felice Limosani

Palazzo Strozzi and the city of Florence have become the network in which the project ‘Luci e ombre‘ (Lights and Shadows) by Felice Limosani for Gruppo 24 Ore, in collaboration with Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and Comune di Firenze – Assessorato alla Cultura, is developed: an artistic dialogue between the shadows, which only light can provide, and desirable new standpoints – changes in perspective – in our cultural and economic vision.


Il Sole sui Tetti‘, the cultural and contemporary communication project created by Felice Limosani for Gruppo 24 Ore in June 2011, has reached its second edition and was inaugurated on Monday January 9 with an enthralling and spectacular event in the heart of the city.

A metaphor for ‘casting light’ from top to the bottom – and vice versa – between innovation and Renaissance hope. There will be two different installations dialoguing with Palazzo Strozzi itself and with the city: an on-site video mapping event on the alternating between light and shadow in the inner courtyard of the Palazzo, and an on-air event thanks to the projection of rays of light that symbolically unite the towers and the domes of some of Florence’s most beautiful buildings. Starting from Forte Belvedere, the bell tower of the Basilica di Santa Croce, the tower of Palazzo Vecchio and Giotto’s bell tower in Piazza del Duomo. The rays of white light that will unite the various points of the city will act as a metaphor for the network of energies, new points of view, and beauty.

06Felice Limosani, Project Manager, says: “‘Sole sui Tetti’ was born to represent the change in perspective between concreteness and imagination. The first edition was set on some of the most beautiful terraces in Florence (June 2011), amidst panoramic views and artistic visions. The new project draws on the aesthetics of light and shadow with the languages of video art, light performance and art- house photography.”

The view from above recalls an all-encompassing, complete perspective, while that from below suggests an idea of participation and community. Two different perspectives that must be combined for everything to be clear and constructive. Two divergent but creative aspects with people at the centre, both physically in the squares and virtually in the network. Two perspectives in equilibrium between vision and reality. If the light of the sun or of a candle moves shadows, that of the laser is straight, clear, uncompromising. “A ray of white light joins the highest points of the city up there, seeking the squares of Florence and the world down there.”“We are glad – says James Bradburne, Director of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi – to host the project, because it underscores the way in which Palazzo Strozzi, the throbbing heart of Florence, is closely connected with the city. Art, architecture, lights, energy come into dialogue among themselves, interpreting Florence’s New Renaissance in a modern key”.