
ITALY – Great kick off event for AMC: 1.000 people involved in “Always more AMC”

ITALY – Great kick off event for AMC: 1.000 people involved in “Always more AMC”

The event, developed by Sinergie in 2 dates and 2 locations to underline the importance of different distribution areas of AMC, involved more than 1000 people among employees and collaborators. The location were the Guido Monzani Auditorium in Modena and Ariston Hotel in Paestum.

sinergieThe meetings held by Joerg Samulowitz (General Manager) and Kiki Stojanovic (Marketing and Communication Manager) were interchanged with the shows from BIT acting company. The crew captivated and moved the audience with performances related to the Kick Off themes such as: Growth, Recruiting, Quality, Trend and Earnings. The Kick Off took stock of 2015, awarded the best consultants and acknowledged the results of the Company, that is already aiming at the new challenges of 2016.

Amongst other things, AMC asked Sinergie Live Communication to promote the launch of IRIS, the new line of innovative pots, in limited edition.

The claim of the event, “Always more AMC”, expresses the growth of this Brand regarding collaborators and resources, with the awareness of presenting high quality, trend setting products to the market.

All the guests participated actively to the singing and dancing activities introduced by the BIT company. First they performed an engaging Queen medley, then the lead singer established a strong connection with the audience with her interpretation of “Volare”.

The scenic design was in perfect harmony with the light effects play and at the end of the event many air balloons invaded the hall letting the audience interact with each other in a playful environment. Sinergie Live Communication took care of the event in full preparing the claim, the emotional videos, the scenic design and logistics. The Kick Off created the opportunity to share the initiative dedicated to the recovery of food during the events called “Food for Good”, to which Sinergie Group and Sinergie Live Communication are active promoters.
