
ITALY – Filmmaster Events produces the extraordinary event for the European Ford Transit range launch

ITALY – Filmmaster Events produces the extraordinary event for the European Ford Transit range launch

Filmmaster Events became a partner of Ford Transit to create one of the most

extraordinary events ever produced by the car manufacturer for its famous range of commercial vehicles.

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For the European presentation of the new Ford Transit models, Filmmaster Events created an original

format devised to showcase the qualities of the new Ford Transit range composed of four vans, each

with a different characteristic. The event took place in Barcelona from 3rd February to 21st March 2014.

The event was divided into three main sections: Discover, Experience, Drive and was intended for the

dealers and fleet managers of all the European markets, with a total of 2,600 guests. The presentation to

the dealers was preceded by the exclusive preview presentation to 700 representatives of the European

media who were able to enjoy an advance showing of the event dedicated to the markets.

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At El Prat de Llobregat in a commercial hangar on the outskirts of Barcelona, an authentic street, Transit

Road, was created and populated with people and shops. The concept was to show the new line of

commercial vehicles in its natural habitat, a street where shops and situations typical of an urban context

were reproduced and where the four models of the new Ford Transit Range were able to show their

The dynamics of the event focussed on surprise. The guests were invited to enter the fully customised

hangar within an area replicating an actual Transit Centre. Here, the guests took part in the live

presentation of the new models in the range, with contributions by the management of the various

Ford markets. The reveal followed the end of the presentation. In fact, after the convention, the guests

were taken in front of a curtain which opened to reveal the surprise, welcoming them to Transit Road!

An impressive set, an actual reconstruction of a city street complete with a junction, vehicles, shops, a

park and little square. What’s more, the street was filled with “inhabitants”: extras playing the role of

shopkeepers, workers, tourists, etc. Along the street were eight shops, each of which emphasised one

of the characteristics and innovations of the four vehicles in the range. A driving school dedicated to the

safety systems, a fuel station explaining the vehicles’ low consumption and CO2 emissions, an art gallery

where there were artistic reproductions showing the elegance of lines and the numerous awards they

have won, a furniture store to illustrate the comfort of the Transit’s interiors. Then there was a media

library, a garage, a building site and a Transit Café.
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The key messages within the various shops reached

the guests by means of a variety of interactive experiences: videos edited and created ad hoc, information

panels, printed material and audio guides (all provided in the various languages spoken in the countries

from which guests arrived). A customised Transit world where, in addition to the shops, the street was

brought to life by animated billboards on which the Ford Transit contents were projected in looped

videos. The vans, the real celebrities of the event, were parked along the street so that they could be

inspected by the guests and in turn came to life with four danced performances, again devised to underline

the characteristics in a totally original way. The performers, directed by the famous choreographer Laccio,the total darkness created with special effects, all the dancers and extras in the city gathered together at

the centre of the stage to say goodbye to the guests with a closing choral exhibition “lit up” by the Transit

vehicles themselves. At the end of the Experience, the guests were taken to test drive the vehicles in the

vicinity of Barcelona.

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An event in which the content of the brand and products reigned supreme and in which even the smallest

detail was studied and carefully adjusted to tell an important collective story. An event in which creativity

worked in close contact with production and logistics to bring about an extraordinary project of a kind

never before attempted.

Filmmaster Events, with the help of the Creative Director Andrea Baccuini and Art Director Marco Morelli, organised the whole event, from conception to coordinating

the creativity, direction, production of videos, graphic work, sound/lighting effects, staging, dynamics,

performance schedule.

Filmmaster Events was also responsible for managing all travel arrangement for the guests: from flights to

accommodation in Barcelona when necessary.

This production proves the great precision and very high quality of delivery provided by the company,

confirming its role as an international partner for corporate events, as well as its recognition as one of the

very few companies at world level able to produce ceremonies and major events.