
ITALY – Events In & Out launches a comic strip as its new promotional tool

ITALY – Events In & Out launches a comic strip as its new promotional tool

With an original marketing operation, unprecedented in Italy
for the meeting & incentive industry, but probably a novelty also at the international level,
Events In & Out, the Rome-based event agency directed by award-winning Annamaria
Ruffini CMP
, is launching a monthly self-promotional newsletter following the format of
the comic strips
: three vignettes in a row, depicting a mini sitcom whose characters are –
here is the news –the staff members themselves.

The direction of the agency has recently entrusted to a well-known Italian illustrator – Maria
– the task of “studying” the facial features and producing a comic version of each
of the managers and employees of Events In & Out. An internal creative team has then
reworked in satirical form some of the typical situations of the agency’s everyday work.
What sorted out is a “strip” that from now on, every month’s second Tuesday, will propose,
both in English and in Italian, a short humorous tale like the “comic strips” of the fifties:
three coloured vignettes composing a self-contained story with a few well-dashed characters
and a close dialogue in the “balloons” (the text bubbles). In the closing line, for quick
reference, the characters will be reproduced with the name and the job title of the person to
whom they relate.

The newsletter is called Usletter, double word game between Us and letter on one hand
(sounding like “newsletter about us”) and between U (pronounced like you) and –sletter
(which joint with you sounds as “newsletter for you [reader]”) on the other. It will be sent via
e-mail to the whole of the Italian and world data base of Events In & Out: corporate clients,
colleagues in the international associative network, suppliers (hotels, DMCs, caterings, A/V
providers etc).

“Our goal is to talk about us amusing the readers and without taking ourselves too seriously – commented Annamaria Ruffini CMP, Events In & Out President & Ceo –
The Usletter is all about this: displaying our human side, both as individuals and as
, from pros to defects, from strong points to weak points, with the touch of
humour that helps feel good. All this is carried out with an initiative that might sound a bit
vintage (comics as these were the most up to forty years ago), but we think it is able to bring
on a smile as well. Besides, ours is one of the most beautiful crafts in the world, and it must
be done with a smile. Doesn’t it?”.