
ITALY – BNL DAY 2011 by Fonema


A great event made of other events: on the 23rd, during the pre-BNL, 5 different halls of the Auditorium have hosted 5 mini conventions where participants took part; whereas on the 24th, 2.200 people attended in the gorgeous hall of Santa Cecilia.

06Double organization: on the 23rd a personalized project for each hall. Design and ecology being recalled thanks to Softwall, recycled paper and true design artworks that appear in the MoMA in New York. On the 24th a scenographic project that managed to celebrate an important moment for the firm. 5 big screens which recalled 5 key themes of the BNL Convention, that with a great filming organization managed to play independent videos and messages whilst taking advantage of the emotional effect to the projection. Video content made ad hoc supported important speeches of the BNL Management and guests able to sustain suggestive speeches.

06An important creative project: a short communication created “ad hoc” that with the aid of claim and visual, managed to transmit different messages, giving the right importance to both days. As well as paying attention to the realisation of the event, Fonema also managed all the logistic organizational aspect following a secretary who handled important numbers.

The members of the Fonema team in charge of the project: Chiara Scarpellini, Direttore Creativo; Emiliano Brugnoni e Maria Vittoria De Luca, Project Manager; Gianluca Mazzaferro, Art Director; Riccardo Polverini, Direttore Audio-Luci e Regia.