
GERMANY –  Vok Dams stages Michelin Friend Event as premium driving event

GERMANY – Vok Dams stages Michelin Friend Event as premium driving event

Michelin High Performance products guarantee safety as well as pure driving

pleasure and are thus first choice in the high-performance sector. And it was this driving

pleasure that was to be experienced as closely as possible when the Berlin office of

Vok Dams, agency for events and live-marketing, planned and implemented the

Michelin Friend Event 2013.


Thus, it was dynamic driving pleasure with high-performance tires that was in the focus

for the invitees from tire retail and car dealership, who came from Germany, Austria and


Participants could intensely look into the Michelin products, be it in theory or in

practice. It was the actual experience of the features of the high-performance products,

however, that was essential and made all the difference.

This dynamic alteration from information and experience went down rather well with the

target group, as the exceptionally positive feedback shows.