
GERMANY – Vok Dams Consulting Offers First Social Media Event Monitor

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The Social Media Event Monitor developed by Vok Dams.Consulting enables organizers of events and tradeshows to find out what guests, visitors and participants think about their event. “An effective method allows us to monitor all activities on relevant social networking websites before, during and after the event,” says David Korte, Head of Research and Senior Consultant at Vok Dams.Consulting. “We are thus able to gain great insight into what the target group thinks about specific topics.”

Renowned companies from the energy sector, the car industry, the retail, finance, and insurance sectors have already used the social media monitoring tool of Vok Dams and so know what others think about them.

“With this tool, we are able to support our clients strategically in many different ways. On the one hand, this tool gives us an overview which helps us coordinate and optimize all social media activities; on the other hand, the tool gives us an indication of how event formats – and with it, the success of any form of event communication – can be improve,” says Birgit Kriesche, Director of Vok Dams.Consulting.