
GERMANY – Hagen Invent presents the new Audi A6 at the Cote d’Azur and in Monaco

063500 international dealers, suppliers and importers were invited by Audi AG to travel to the Cote d’Azur in the South of France to see for themselves the merits of the new Audi A6. Over a period of 15 days, around 250 participants from all over the world arrived daily at Nice Airport – the starting point of a complex 24-hour event program. In view of the four different event locations, some of them specially created for the occasion, everything had to be perfectly coordinated by the working crew. In charge of overall handling of the dealer meeting, as well as guest and travel management for all delegates, plus the creation and implementation of the evening function, was the event marketing agency Hagen Invent, whose 25 on-site experts were to guarantee a perfectly smooth operation.

“The Power of Lightness” – driving pleasure and “joie de vivre” with the Audi A6

The 2011 dealer meeting focused on the dynamic and emotional experiencing of the outstanding features of the Audi A6, above all its lightweight construction and sporty elegance, which the guests were able to experience at first hand during individual test drives. To this end, 250 brand-new Audi A6 limousines were at the guests’ disposal to be navigated by them along the spring-like Mediterranean coast from one location to the next. “The Power of Lightness”, the unofficial event claim, was effectively brought to life during the scenic drives, which aroused great enthusiasm for the vehicle, and relayed to the other details of the event: the contemporary architecture and the informal surroundings emphasized the upbeat atmosphere throughout the event.

The event kicked off in style, with lunch at the legendary Cap Eden Roc Hotel affording a spectacular view overlooking the beautiful bay at Cap d’Antibes. After lunch, following a scenic drive to Le Luc, 100 kilometers from Cap d’Antibes, the guests had an opportunity to take part in a dynamic driving experience and test competitor vehicles on the Circuit du Var racetrack. These activities aroused boundless enthusiasm among the guests, who afterwards were able to bring their adrenaline levels down to normal in the Audi Terminal Lounge beside the racetrack and later enjoyed a relaxing scenic drive to Monaco. At dinner in the evening, which took place at the Audi Marina in Port Hercule, specially built for the dealer meeting with an integrated showroom, the guests enjoyed the matchless view over the yacht harbor and the impressive backdrop of the principality during a private concert given by the Danish singer Aura Dione. The dealer meeting ended the following morning with an inspiring Audi brand show at the Palais Nikaia in Nice, the city’s congress centre, with insights into the future prospects of the brand and an outlook on the product range yet to come.

06Adone Kheirallah, managing partner at Hagen Invent, commented the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the participants as follows: “The guests were able to experience the lightness of the new Audi A6 down to the very last detail. They’ll take this feeling home with them and always connect it to the vehicle. The dealer meeting was a resounding success, proof that we are able to conduct such high-scale events with absolute precision, passion and perfection.”