
GERMANY – AIDAsol smiles in Kiel – with support of Flaskamp Ummen AG

06AIDAsol, the painting on her bow resembles a giant smile, is the eighth ship of the AIDA fleet that has been christened so far. 2500 guests of the maiden voyage were celebrating on-board, 500 VIP’s were welcomed to the exclusive christening party inside the cruise terminal and 45,000 spectators experienced the free concert “Stars for AIDAsol: The AIDA Night of the  Proms  for  the  Christening” on the premises of the seaport in Kiel. Concert manager Dirk Hohmeyer and his team were happy to accept the challenge  and developed the show’s program. The end and the culmination of the christening party were marked by a spectacular display of fireworks. 

The decision to combine the christening of AIDAsol with the opening performance of  Aida Night of the Proms was a major challenge for the Flaskamp Ummen team – however,  not an impossible one. The original idea for the launch ceremony was extended and the open-air concert, which was realized in close cooperation with the AIDA Cruises event team, was added. The Berlin-based agency acted as local organizer and was in charge of coordinating every aspect of staging the concert. This included handling a multitude of support staff as well as making all technical equipment available and supervising all performers and agents who were present.
The agency devised a comprehensive security and safety plan covering all relevant aspects from mounting and constructing via logistics and communication to staff and safety  issues. The  number of expected visitors attending the open-air concert was exceeded by about 10,000. Nevertheless the plan could cope with this demand effortlessly and both police and fire brigade in Kiel expressed their appreciation of the agency’s successful work. The event was preceded by a six-month planning phase during which a dedicated team of six members of staff was working on designing, planning and realizing the christening. The festive christening was celebrated on Saturday 9 April 2011 in Kiel.
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