
FRANCE – ANAé survey about the event industry in France: a recovery is confirmed.

Logo ANAé.jpgANAé, the French association of event agencies which has about 60 members, monitors the event industry in France in each quarter through a flash questionnaire addressed to his associates. The survey was carried out between 8 and 22 March 2011 and involved 40 ANAé member agencies. This small questionnaire allows to follow the evolution of the market through four key points: the general trend, the sector hiring, the type of events held and the attention paid to sustainability.

Regarding to the general trend, approximately 50% of agencies that responded to the questionnaire believe that the market situation is quite favorable. In fact, 75% reported an increase in business this year to date, estimated at 13.3%. The data are positive when compared with those in the first quarter of 2010, where only 60% of firms recorded an increase of business estimated at around 10.2%.

With regard to recruitment, comparing the data with the September 2010 quarter results we find that 67% of agencies have taken on new resources within themselves. Six months ago the rate was 30%. However in the last 3 months there was a decrease in the number of external consultants. To date, the agency freelancers amounted to 3.1 per agency against 4.9 in September 2010. On the other hand, here the autumn 2011, 63% of agencies said they would hire new consultants.

The type of events held recorded a predominance and an increase, after months of stall, in internal events (conventions, seminars, etc. ..) who return to firmly occupy the first position, followed by external events (celebrations, product launches, etc. ..). In third place are the team building and incentive events to show a slight decline.

Finally, more than 50% of agencies stated that the focus on sustainability in the events is almost unchanged compared to 2010.

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Despite the obvious signs of improvement in the sector, Philippe Fournier, President of ANAé, cautions: “The influence of all the events that are shaking the world threatens to affect the economic situation of 2011. Surely it will have a harsh impact on incentives / team building. Moreover, while firms view the event as one of the most important tool of communication, especially to create cohesion with their target, and event agencies leading up to the expectations market, French policy does not seem to understand the effect and importance of this sector on the global economy of the country and often hampers their development through unnecessary and grotesque barriers. “