
European creativity in events at Global in Russia

European creativity in events at Global in Russia

On April 9th – 11th 600 participants from 50 cities and 10 countries gathered in Moscow at the leading business conference for professionals of the event-marketing industry. Salvatore Sagone, president of ADC Group, was invited as a key speaker at the event.

The Forum is created and held for the second time already by the magazine – key russian professional printed magazine, dedicated to the development of the event- marketing.

globaleventADC Group is the global partner of the event. Winners of the EuBEA were invited to be the key speakers at the Global Forum. Among them there were: Beatrix Mourer (strategic director of Magic Garden), who delivered the presentation titled “Key trends in events trought Magic Garden portfolio“, covering among others the significant project of 70th Anniversary of Normandy Landings; Stefan Kozak shared his experience in inventing and arranging budgets for the most creative events; Salvatore Sagone (image), president of ADC Group, prepared a special presentation, “European Creativity in Events through the lenses of EuBea Festival“, showing the best cases of EuBEA winners of all time, which raised great interest and enthusiasm in the Russian audience.

globalevent2As one of the key missions of the event is to bring European experience to the Russian event- marketing industry, the Forum has been opened to sessions involving European speakers. With a talk-show format, the key topic of the discussion was how to build a strong and effective partnership between the client and the event-agency. The client’s side was represented by Bjorn Wigforss (Lumia Events Director/Microsoft) and the agency’s side was represented by Kevin Jackson (Vice-president, George P. Johnson), Will Glendenning, a real expert in event-marketing, founder of Allium Agency (UK) was the moderator and host of the session.

Kevin Jackson, voted the most influential person in the UK events industry, opened the second day of the Global Forum with his super inspiring presentation. Kevin shared his vision on what the events industry should become, what the future is and how to prepare for it: he thinks that the key concept is experience and therefore experience is the marketing.  Hopefully its presentation changed people’s perception of what they do and  what it is possible, and it will inspire a behavioural change.

The next Global Forum will be held in Saint-Petersburg on September 17th-19th 2015. For more details, visit .