D&B Eventmarketing
  • Event Service

D&B Eventmarketing


The Location

The world revolves around experience. We believe that there’s no better way to bring people and brands closer together than through a unique LIVE experience. That’s why we create events and digital experiences that matter. That move and connect people. That bring about positive change. And that turn customers, relations, or employees into fans.
Whether it is a one-time event or a long term campaign. From strategy to production. Whether onsite, online or social. From goosebumps for a mere moment to an enduring relation.
We love challenges. Only by not assuming anything, do you prevent more than 35 years of experience turning into routine.
We love ideas. Ideas with meaning. To discover that, we will always search for that singular concept, that specific experience or campaign that perfectly suits your needs.
We love results. Quantifiable results. Based on clear aims. Together we translate your marketing and communication strategy into unique LIVE communication.