EuropaScène is three unique shows in which more than 500 apprentices get up on stage to perform an exclusive zapping of Franco-German theatrical sketches about their jobs and major social issues.
Supported by renowned guests and hosted by talented artists, EuropaScène is a fantastic showcase to discover jobs in a different way, in a humorous, bilingual and highly creative format. EuropaScène, as an innovative project combining training and cross-border relations between France and Germany, has three main objectives. First, to promote apprenticeship and occupations facing recruitment difficulties on a European and cross-border scale, through innovative common promotional tools. Second, to develop intercultural, linguistic and socio-professional skills of European apprentices, such as openness to others, self-confidence, stress management, etc., through an effective teaching programme. Finally, to create strong links between apprentice training centres and teachers on a cross-border scale in order to improve educational methods and share best practice.
Innovation and creativity are the essence of the EuropaScène project. The project highlights the different jobs, apprenticeship and intercultural relations through the art of theatre. The concept of the project is innovative, putting the creativity of apprentices at the service of the image of professions, with the support of a professional director. The apprentices’ skills development and acquisition of soft skills is also achieved in an innovative way, thanks to the behavioural theatre techniques applied by our bilingual directors. We can also mention the international and intercultural aspect of the project, opening up the horizons of apprentices from different countries to the professional practices of neighbouring countries, enabling them to bring new practices to their day-to-day work, and bring innovation to their jobs as well!