
EuBEA’s Call for entries

EuBEA’s Call for entries

For the 8th year in a row, ADC Group opens the doors to enter the 8th edition of the European Best Event Awards, also known as EuBEA, created to recognize excellences in the field of events and to increase the importance of events in the marketing plans of any organization.


Since 2006, EuBEA has been awarding the creativity and the excellences of events at European level. The high expertise of the jury panel, which is composed by professionals of events coming from the main companies and events agencies, grants an international recognition of quality to the winning events.

EuBEA is a real international experience with a European flavour. Last edition saw about 150 registered events, from 19 European countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Russia, Czech Rep, Hungary, Estonia and Turkey.

Participation in the EuBEA is open to: Events Agencies, Public Relations, Advertising, Promotion, Companies, Web Agencies, Media Centres, Advertising Agencies, Publishers, Production Houses, Public Bodies and Associations, etc., who have carried out a public or private event anywhere in the world, between July 1st 2012 and June 30th 2013.

EuBEA awards are open to any organization such as companies, events agencies, public relations/communication/promotion/advertising/web agencies, production houses, public bodies, associations etc. that are based in Europe.

As last years, the entry fee for each event will include, free of charge, the publication on the European Events Annual.

The European Events Annual, containing all the entrants events allows them to last in time, in the hands of clients and events insiders. After the success of last year’s edition (European distribution 10.000 copies + digital version online) the glossy publication has now become the only way to enter the awards.

Thanks to the partnership between ADC Group and Malta Tourism Authoity (MTA) the important jury panel composed by influencial personalities of event management, will deliberate in Malta from 11th to 13th October.

The entrance deadline is 26th July. The awards ceremony will take place on the third week of November 2013 in Milan during the BEF Bea Expo Festival.

All the information to apply the EuBEA is available online:
EuBEA Call for entries
Example of the form online

For further information:
Ilaria Granato
tel. +39 02 49766311