EuBea 2017 Advisory Board Meeting due to start soon in Rimini
Thanks to the support of the Rimini Riviera Convention Bureau and APT Servizi Emilia Romagna, ADC Group brings in the Adriatic town the major representatives of the European event industry to discuss the guidelines of the next EuBea Festival, to be held in Porto next November 15-18.
The format of the Festival is well consolidated and built around three key elements: Live Show, Interaction and Networking. The Festival concentrates in three days the live presentations of the finalist projects, the jury sessions to assign the European Best Event Awards and, starting from this year, the Bea World awards, an intensive content programme with the participation of industry leading speakers and experts, the awards ceremony, as well as several networking opportunities, including some leisure activities to discover the host city.
The Advisory Board Meeting will be held with the support and collaboration of the Rimini Riviera Convention Bureau, Event & Conference Division of Italian Exhibition Group SpA, and APT Servizi Emilia Romagna.
The Advisory Board Members are marketing and event managers from corporate companies, top spenders in events, meeting designers and representatives of industry associations and specialized media:
Bertrand Biard, L’EVENEMENT, President
Gerd De Bruycker, CISCO, Marketing Lead Northern Europe Head of Event Marketing EMEAR
Alain De Greef, BNP PARIBAS FORTIS, Head of Sponsoring & Events
Eric De Groot, MINDMEETING, Managing partner
Ilka Dzeik, EVENT ROI INSTITUTE, Senior Partner
Andrea Faflíková, LEGO, CEEMEA Senior PR & Event Manager
Luca Favetta, PCMA, Emea Regional Business Director
Ana Fernandes, APECATE, Vice President
Jose Garcia Aguarod, EVENTOPLUS, Founder
Elling Hamso, EVENT ROI INSTITUTE, Managing partner
Carlo Hermes, HONOUR PAST PRESIDENT, Consultant
Kevin Jackson, EUBEA AMBASSADOR TO THE UK, Consultant
Heli Koivuniemi, EVENTO, Editor-in-Chief
Rui Luís Ochoa Romao, EVENT POINT, Director
Alexander Safonov, ORIFLAME, Global Conference and Event Director
Jaime Sánchez, AEVEA, Member
Maarten Schram, LIVECOM ALLIANCE, Managing Director
Christian Seidenstuecker, ILEA, President
Jenny Ström, SWEDBANK, Head of Brand Engagement
Jean-Paul Talbot, EXPERIENCE MAGAZINE, Partner
Johan Vandepoel, ACC, Ceo
Maarten Vanneste, MEETING DESIGN INSTITUTE, President
Sjoerd Weikamp, EVENTBRANCHE, Chief Editor
Björn Wigforss, TECNOTREE, Global Head of Marketing and Communications
Detlef Wintzen, FAMAB, Board Member of Famab
Yulia Zholya, Naom Member
The programme will start with a welcome cocktail and a dinner at the historical Grand Hotel Rimini. The working session on March 17 will be preceded by a site visit of the Palacongressi di Rimini, Best Location Award 2016, and by a greeting by Lorenzo Cagnoni, chairman of Italian Exhibition Group SpA. In the evening, Fellinian actors will guide guests to discover the historic centre of Rimini before a cocktail and the gala dinner at the famous Teatro Galli to taste local flavours. The three-day event will end with a visit of Santarcangelo di Romagna, a cosy medieval town near Rimini.
“We are very grateful to the Rimini Riviera Convention Bureau for the valuable support given to the Advisory Board 2017 – says Salvatore Sagone, President of ADC Group -. We are an international Festival, but at the same time we are very pleased to promote Italian destination great charm and great appeal as Rimini and its territory “.
“We are pleased to welcome at the Palacongressi and host in our city the EuBea Advisory Board, composed of top professionals from the international event industry, representatives of media, and corporate companies – explains Lorenzo Cagnoni -. The Palacongressi represents for Rimini an added value when it comes to congress tourism and meeting industry. EuBea gives us the opportunity to present it and make it known to opinion leaders in this market. “