
Bestseller book “Meeting Architecture” will be presented at EuBea by the author

Bestseller book “Meeting Architecture” will be presented at EuBea by the author

coverThe Russian edition of the bestseller Meeting Architecture will be presented at EuBea Festival in Saint Petersburg, on October 14, by its author Maarten Vanneste, president of the Meeting Design Institute.

An event to present the first ever Russian edition of the bestseller Meeting Architecture will take place on October 14, 2016 during the EuBea Festival 2016, the International Festival of Events and Live Communication which takes place in Saint Petersburg (Russia) on October 13-15, 2016. Meeting and event professionals and media will have the opportunity to meet and talk with the award-winning author Maarten Vanneste, the president of the Meeting Design Institute, as well as to get a signed copy of the book.

With the development of MICE industry and application of new concepts and technologies, the profession of an organizer of business events and meetings has been going through deep transformation. The capacity and knowledge to design a meeting has become one of the essential skills required from a professional planner nowadays. Designing a meeting means practicing a comprehensive approach and applying unique tools for each particular business event in order to make it most effective and productive.

Aiming to provide educational value for a wide circle of Russian-speaking meeting professionals, the Meeting Design Institute and Matey Events has partnered in “Meeting Architecture in Russia” project. The first stage of the project is about publishing the Russian edition of Maarten Vanneste’s bestseller Meeting Architecture. The book describes the innovative framework of organising a meeting, its basic principles and methodology. It is intended for MICE professionals (freelance, corporate and agency-based), procurement specialists, senior meeting professionals, students studying events and meeting management, researchers in this field and everyone with an interest in the content side of meetings.

Meeting Architecture principles described by Maarten Vanneste almost 10 years ago, nowadays are fundamental for shaping the new profession of Meeting Architect. The creation of the Meeting Architect role in the structure of a large PCO this year is one of the examples of acknowledgment the framework’s significance. Yet another is the introduction of a Meeting Design Award for the first time by the European Best Event Awards at its 11th edition this year. As stated by the organisers, “this new award adds an innovative angle to the awards traditionally given in the industry”.

Matey Events represents the Meeting Design Institute in Russia and CIS. Apart from joining the “Meeting Architecture in Russia” project, professionals and companies of MICE and business travel sectors have the opportunity to take part in MDI’s trainings and enjoy advantages of being an MDI’s member.

Launch event date and venue: 1.50pm, 14th October 2016, Erarta Modern Art Museum, Saint-Petersburg, during the EuBea Festival.

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