
BELGIUM – Guava and Respect for your Audience join forces to create a new ‘live communication’ agency.

13 September 2011. This merge is the result of the realisation on the part of both the agencies that companies and brands are increasingly looking for authentic brand experiences, backed up by creative communication. “We are convinced that in the future this combination 06

of inspiring live experiences and creative communication will be the most effective way for brands to really involve stakeholders in their development,” said Wouter Boits, Managing Director of Respect for your Audience.

Interactivity and experiencing a live feeling are key elements today in any successful communication campaign. “As experienced communication, event and ?eld marketing specialists we believe that the combination of  Guava and 06

Respect for your Audience will play a pioneering role in this new era of ‘live communication’,” said Ken Koeklenberg, Managing Partner of Guava.”Our (potential) clients expect us to integrate the notion of ‘live’ into the professional world; they want us to optimise experiences taking them up another rung on their communications ladder. They want to invite their target groups to participate live in their shared history and start up a dialogue via all possible (social) media,” explained Tom Bellens, Managing Partner of Guava.

From 1 January 2012, Guava and Respect for your Audience will join forces to create a joint ‘live communication’ company. A new agency that will assist companies, brands and organisations to bring their stories to life and turn their brands into experiences. The new company launches off with a staff of 23, all specialists in strategic communication (print and online), corporate and marketing events, ?eld marketing, hospitality, public relations and design.