BELGIUM – Engage BBDO and Volkswagen launch blue as the colour of love
A number of mysterious ladies welcomed the more than 1000 Volkswagen concession holders and employees with a blue “elixir d’amour”. This ensured they got into the right mood from the start! An opening act with a blue harp was the romantic warming up for a passionate tango spectacle, followed by a fiery walking dinner. To round off the sultry evening Engage BBDO provided for a blind date with up-and-coming star Selah Sue who made every heart beat even faster.
Engage BBDO and Volkswagen have once again proven to be strong partners. A relationship that will not be extinguished yet for a long time to come!
Thank you to our partners: Trimex & Novid, J&M Catering, The Cast, Protéine, Medialife, Van Der Maarel.