
An interview to Stephanie Dubois, Bea World Jury President

An interview to Stephanie Dubois, Bea World Jury President

Stephanie Dubois, Event Director at SAP, will chair the Corporate Jury of the Best Event Awards 2020.  Stephanie is in charge of SAPPHIRE NOW, the company’s flagship event and a reference in the event industry. She has been involved in various aspects of event planning over the past 10 years, with a particular focus on leading with content strategy, facilitating customer networking, and always setting the highest quality standards in terms of customer experience.

We have reached her and asked her a few questions about Bea World Festival and some tips for participants to impress the Jury.

– What are the most valuable takeaways you have gained by being a Bea World jury member for the past few years?
Being a jury member for the Bea World awards has been an amazing experience of learning, expanding my horizons, and meeting fabulous professionals. I have been blown away by many of the entries, and I often find myself, a year later, still using some of the ideas I got to see as examples of how to be creative, how to overcome challenges, and how to create unforgettable experiences.

– In your opinion, what is the added value of taking part in the Best Event Awards for event agencies?
Entering your event into such a prestigious competition will not only give your agency tremendous visibility and credibility, but it will also provide your team with an immense sense of achievement and pride. There is no better way to measure the value of your work than to see it compared to other ‘best in class’ events. Last but not least, there is nothing more satisfying than to receive the acknowledgment and validation of your peers, and some of the most respected professionals in the industry!

– What advice would you give to agencies competing for the Bea World Festival?
Be honest, be real, and showcase your team’s achievements like your life depends on it. Do not be afraid to use all your creativity to sell your work and blow the jury away. Creating events, today more than ever, is hard work. Your team deserves the celebration!

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