
An interview to Francesca Montini, Bea World Jury President

An interview to Francesca Montini, Bea World Jury President

Francesca Montini, CHIEF COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER at Ferrari, will chair the corporate Jury of the Best Event Awards 2023. 

She joined Ferrari in January 2018 as Head of Brand and Corporate Communications. Over her career Francesca has built a strong international profile in corporate and brand communications working across multiple markets (Europe, the Middle East and the U.S.A.) and a variety of powerful global brands, including Nike, Nokia, Ford, Jeep and Ferrari.

We have reached her and asked her a few questions about Bea World Festival and some tips for participants to impress the Jury.

What does it mean to you to be President of the jury of the BEA WORLD FESTIVAL 2023?
Being President of the jury of the BEA WORLD FESTIVAL 2023 is a great honor and a responsibility which I eagerly look forward to.
In your opinion, what is the added value of taking part in the Best Event Awards for event agencies?
Agencies taking part in the Best Event Awards access an important platform to showcase some of their best work, to existing and potentially new clients.
What advice would you give agencies competing for the Best Event Awards?
The advice I would give agencies competing for the Best Event Awards is dare, but never lose focus.
What do you think of the idea that some events have eternal value, influencing the course of history, and having a lasting impact on future generations? Do you think there are events so significant that deserve to be considered eternal?
Some events represent unforgettable milestones – setting a benchmark for other events and creating a valuable ripple effect. If not eternal, they are definitely memorable.