
Programme highlight! Brand 2.0: The Future of Branding Experience

Programme highlight! Brand 2.0: The Future of Branding Experience

Gerzema John Gerzema, Ceo at Bav Consulting, will be one of the Leadership Conference Programme highlight on 14 October. His inspiring keynote speech will be on Brand 2.0: The Future of Branding Experience.

Today brands face unrelenting disruption from technology, new media, user-generated content and new social influencers. And they must cater to consumers in an age of purpose. John Gerzema, a TED speaker and consumer insights expert, will share trends in new consumer tastes and stories of brands that are thriving in this new world. With practical case studies and vivid-storytelling, delegates will be inspired to re-think their brand experience to build future differentiation and loyalty.

Don’t miss the chance to extend your knowledge. You can register now and buy your Early Bird Delegate Pass. The promotion ends on 31 July.