A new voting method for a transparent, live and face-to-face competition!
As trasparency is fundamental for us, we have simplified the voting, made it more immediate, and established a Code of Ethics for our Jury Members.
Prestige, live show and transparency have always been the key pillars of the Best Event Awards.
First the Jury. No other awards in the event industry scene can boast a Jury panel composed of senior managers from top corporate companies with international responsibilities and representatives of national event agencies’ associations.
No need to say what this can mean for your business, right?
Second, the live presentations, probably the signature feature of the Best Event Awards. Since the first edition of the Festival, nominees have the chance to present their projects live in front of the Jury and the audience, in a face-to-face interactive situation that includes a Q&A session.
When they say the importance of making a good impression…
New this year, is the voting process. We have simplified and made the voting more dynamic, more immediate. In order to make voting more uniform for all Jurors, and avoid misinterpretations, we have introduced a new easy rating scale: from 0 to 3. Every score will have a very precise meaning. In the first phase, that is carried out online and determines the shortlist,
0 means: this project does not deserve to be shortlisted
1 means: this project has interesting characteristics and deserves to be shortlisted
2 means: this project could potentially win an award
3 means: this project is brilliant and will surely win an award.
While evaluating each entry, Jurors will consider different aspects of the event, all of them related to the achievement of dedicated business objectives: creativity & innovation, effectiveness, execution and channel strategy. To know more about evaluation criteria, click here.
The same voting system will be used again during the second phase: the live, face-to-face with the Jury, open voting session in Porto on November 16h, 2017, that will determine the winners by categories, the Grand Prix and the Special Awards.
As transparency is fundamental for us, from this year Jurors will also be required to explain the reason of the score assigned to each entry during the online voting and this information will be made available to the audience after the Festival upon request.
Also since Bea World voting process aims at being crystal-clear, our Jurors will have to sign and follow a Code of Ethics. For example, to avoid conflicts between Jury members and candidates, Jurors from associations who also own an agency won’t vote for their own agency or for a project from a participant agency from the same country. Likewise, Jurors from corporations won’t vote for a project from their own company. To read the full Jury’s Code of Ethics, click here.
Can you find a clearer and more professional judging process than this one? We don’t think so!
Enter your event in the most influential event competition and good luck!