
FRANCE – Magic Garden wins the Event of The Decade prize at Trophées de l’Evénement 2016

FRANCE – Magic Garden wins the Event of The Decade prize at Trophées de l’Evénement 2016

On 14th April, the 10th ceremony Trophées de l’Evénement was held in the prestigious auditorium of the Cannes Palais des Festivals. Magic Garden won the first prize in the category Event of the decade for the International Ceremony of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy Landings.

magicgardenTrophées de l’Evénement, co-organized by Heavent and Groupe Evénement(s), took place on 14th April and rewarded the most memorable events.

For this 2016 edition, the jury, composed by professionals, advertisers and Communication and Event-market operators, was chaired by Eric Lemaire, Director, Communications and Corporate Responsibility Chairman of AXA Prevention.

The winners were chosen by the jury after a public vote of more than 800 professionals (advertisers, agencies, service providers) invited to the evening and the award for Event of The Decade went to Magic Garden for its International Ceremony of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy Landings.

After winning the Grand Prix Stratégies de la Communication Evénementielle 2015, Magic Garden celebrates its 60th prize.