
FRANCE – L’art et la matière by La Washing Machine

As part of their 2011 B2C communications strategy, chemical industrialists have asked La Washing Machine to devise and make a factual yet unexpected statement that suggests we take another look at chemistry.
Art in Stuff consists of four monumental works, featured on the Internet site, each of which offers the general public an unexpected view of a major stake in the future of the planet. These are represented by activities within the chemical industry: recycling, vegetable chemistry, air quality and developing new forms of energy
1. In Paris, on the Parvis de La Défense (with a “Recycling” theme) “Rosae Plasticae” by Marie-Hélène Richard: a dome of 12,000 roses made by hand from recycled plastic bags, and a forthright message: “Nothing is lost, everything changes”


2. In Lille, in Place du Théâtre (depicting “Green Chemistry”) “Champ mécanique” by Vincent Leroy: a field of rank weeds in perspex, symbol of a promising alternative to oil.

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3.  In Lyon, in Place des Terreaux (portraying “Air Quality”) “Sph’air” by Marie-Hélène Richard and Stéphan Bohu: an alloy of 120 pure white meteorological balloons, producing a result (50% less greenhouse gas since 1990)


4.  In Marseille, in Place de la Mairie (illustrating “New Forms of Energy”) “Hélioflore” by Shigeko Hirakawa: a giant photovoltaic flower that captures solar energy by day, and lights up by night.


From 27 to 30 January 2011, the Chemical Industrialists’ Art in Stuff exhibition, conceived by La Washing Machine, in Paris, Lille, Lyon and Marseille
Founded in 2006 by Frank Etienne and Fabien Locquet, La Washing Machine is a communication and marketing consultancy specialising in non-media businesses, and more especially the problems of event communication. To boost its operations and spark its development, in 2009 La Washing Machine founded a subsidiary focused specifically on communication, marketing and promotion campaigns involving digital media and marketing services. This subsidiary is co-directed by Julien Samarcq.
Organised around the concept “Think idea before thinking media”, La Washing Machine designs, develops and implements communication and marketing strategies for the brand, its clients and the men who bring it to life. La Washing Machine thinks differently because there is an urgent need to reinvent new ways of communicating and developing every day,  it thinks ideas before thinking media.