EuBEA Exclusive: Rolf Schumann (Skoda Auto) explains the importance of EuBEA and shares his knowledge on the event industry
Rolf Schumann (image), Head of Global Marketing Communication in Skoda Auto, has been working for 4 years for the Young & Rubicam Pharma Division. This was followed by an invitation to built up a similar agency for Saatchi & Saatchi. After almost 10 years in advertising he decided to give his life a complete new spin by changing culture, branch, language and side of the desk within one move. As the Head of Marketing Communication he joined the Czech Car Manufacturer Skoda in 2002. In 2008 he became Marketing Director for launching Skoda in China. Since 2010 he is back in Mlada Boleslav, being responsible for the Global Marketing Communication of Skoda Auto a.s. Schumann will be part of this year’s EuBEA prestigous jury, a team of international opinion leaders and representatives of the international events sector, who will reunite in Malta from 11th to 13th October 2013.
Why is it important to participate to the European Best Event Awards?
The answer is very simple: EuBEA has become a European benchmark.
What is the evolution of event industry from the creative and productive point of view in your country?
It’s getting more and more difficult to present something ‘unseen’ to the
guests, as the Internet is everywhere. Productions efforts are rising
accordingly, but a good level of professionalism is required.
Which are the current problems of the event sector?
The biggest challenge is to find an event agency which is capable of being good in creative ideas, organisation AND project management.
Which are, from your point of wiew, the most used types of events in the last years?
I think that, as years go by, the events are getting more and more intimate