
Eubea Exclusive: Michael Rose (Deutsche Messe) talks about the event industry and his participation at this year’s EuBEA jury

Eubea Exclusive: Michael Rose (Deutsche Messe) talks about the event industry and his participation at this year’s EuBEA jury

rose.jpgMichael Rose (image) has previously worked at IDC Central Europe GmbH Frankfurt as Director Conferences and Events DACH and since 2005 is Head of Protocol und Corporate Events at Deutsche Messe. This year he’ll be one of the jurors of EuBEA, who will reunite in Malta in October 2013, and in this interview he expressed his opinion about the event industry’s current situation.

Why is it important to participate to the European Best Event Awards?

Europe is increasingly being perceived as a politico-commercial entity in and of its own right.. The European Best Event Awards give European players a way of communicating the high European standards of event quality to which they are dedicated while at the same time showcasing their performance and gaining an important edge over the international competition.

What is the evolution of event industry from the creative and productive point of view in your country?

The Internet and social media are having an increasing impact on the way people interact and do business. This naturally also applies to exhibitions, which therefore need to be designed and staged to reflect today’s digital realities and user expectations. Another major trend: Events are drawing more and more online attendees, i.e. people who follow the events via their computers or mobile devices.

Which are the current problems of the event sector?

Getting noticed by all of the right potential attendees, and ensuring that they ultimately come. This calls for innovative approaches despite tight budgetary constraints.

Which are, from your point of wiew, the most used types of events in the last years?

Corporate events, seminars and sporting events are definitely showing major growth.