
BELGIUM – Unique sound and light show on the artificial lake in the Obourg quarry.

PRG1.jpg“An exclusive show”, “Unheard of”, “Unique”…these are some of the numerous reactions of residents, clients and employees who participated to the Holcim Night. The event agencies DDMC, ACT lighting design, Focalise, Ephémère and PRG joined forces to create an unusual aquatic show for some 4000 spectators.

PRG2.jpgFrank Anthierens
of DDMC signed a show combining pyrotechnics, water effects, aerial animations in the exceptional setting formed by an artificial lake in a quarry 1000 meters long, 6000 meters large and 40 meters deep. Koert Vermeulen of ACT raised stage design to the highest levels with a relatively simple but impressive light installation consisting of Sharpies and LED totems which surrounded the entire lake. The giant crane used to extract chalk had its own lighting, which turned it into the real star of the show.
PRG3.jpgPRG, on the other hand, deployed all its technical know-how and experience to ensure a perfect operational management of the project. The concept relied on the best lighting solutions (18 Clay Paky Sharpy, 26 Alpha Beam 1.500, 17 6-meter high totems with a total of 85 Sunbeam Full Color, 24 Alpha Beam 300 and 4 Lancelot Follow Spots). Given the great distance, the piloting of the lights was done by W-DMX. The combination of light effects on and around the water created a magical atmosphere at 1.200 meters from the audience.

The interaction between the exceptional site, the artistic show, the aquatic show with 50 fountains, the fireworks and the light show provided a memorable experience.